Goglides Dev 🌱

Balkrishna Pandey
Balkrishna Pandey

Posted on

Updating the Pull Secret to Access an OpenShift Internal Registry

In an OpenShift cluster, accessing an internal image registry requires a username and password for authentication. If you encounter issues accessing the registry, updating the pull secret with the appropriate credentials may be necessary. This can be achieved by creating a service account with the required permissions and referencing its username and token within the pull secret.
To create a service account named image-puller with the system:image-puller cluster role associated, use the following command:

oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user \
system:image-puller -z image-puller \
-n openshift-config
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The -z flag specifies the service account's name, and the -n flag specifies the namespace in which it should be created. The system:image-puller role grants permissions to pull images from the image registry.

Next, obtain the token associated with the service account using the following command:

TOKEN=$(oc sa get-token image-puller -n openshift-config)
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This command retrieves the token associated with the image-puller service account in the openshift-config namespace and stores it in a variable named TOKEN.

Now, retrieve the existing pull secret from the openshift-config namespace and decode it to a file using the following command:

oc get secret pull-secret -n openshift-config -o json \
| jq '.data.".dockerconfigjson"' -r \
| base64 -d > /tmp/pull-secret
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This command retrieves the pull secret associated with the openshift-config namespace, decodes it, and writes it to a file named /tmp/pull-secret.

Finally, use the oc registry login command to update the pull secret with the service account credentials using the following command:

oc registry login \
--registry=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000 \
--auth-basic=image-puller:${TOKEN} \
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This command updates the pull secret with the image-puller service account credentials and writes the updated secret back to the /tmp/pull-secret file.

To apply the updated pull secret to the OpenShift cluster, use the following command:

oc set data secret/pull-secret -n openshift-config \
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This command sets the updated pull secret in the openshift-config namespace. The .dockerconfigjson key references the updated pull secret file.

This should fix the authentication error.

Top comments (2)

k0vt73 profile image

after fixing tls ingress from bastion node to internal registry, i was having trouble with auth from the bastion. after many hours of experimentation, this article fixed the issue. nice work!

bkpandey profile image
Balkrishna Pandey

Greate to hear Tim, thank you for the feedback :)