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Nandita Srivastava
Nandita Srivastava

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How to Convert OST Files of Your Mailbox

An Outlook data file (.ost) is a copy of mailbox content stored on a local device. The Outlook Storage Table (OST) files handle the crucial task of allowing users to access email clients even without internet connectivity. In other words, .ost files let Outlook users access previously downloaded emails, contacts, and other mailbox content offline. Once the connection is restored, modifications are automatically synced. This flexibility is perfect for executives who travel frequently or live in remote areas with network connectivity issues.

It has been observed that certain users accidentally delete individual email messages or email folders. In a normal scenario, such accidentally deleted items are moved to the ‘Deleted Items’ folder. We can retrieve such folders easily. But when such folders or individual emails are deleted from the ‘Deleted Items’ folder, then we are only left with the option of recovering such folders or emails. This post will shed light on how to recover OST emails after accidental deletion of your mailbox. We will also learn how and when to convert OST to PST file. This guide will also satisfy your query for what to do if Outlook OST cannot be opened.

What are the Types of Data File Deletion?

We can categorize such deletion in two broad categories:

  • Soft Deletion: This refers to a scenario where the mailbox data moved to the Deleted Items folder in Outlook. Such items can be easily retrieved.

  • Hard Deletion: Unlike the soft deletion, under this category the mailbox data got permanently deleted. The option of retrieving data from the Deleted Items folder doesn’t exist.

Reasons for OST File Data Deletion:

Many factors can lead to OST file data deletion. Some of such reasons are listed below:

  • Filters or Inbox Rules: It may be set in the rules to move to a different folder or delete email messages after being read.
  • Junk Emails: Some email messages may be moved to the junk folder or deleted permanently if they fulfil the criteria set by the admin.
  • Synchronization Settings: if there is some sort of compatibility issue between different devices, it may lead to the deletion of OST mailbox data.
  • AutoArchive Settings: If the user has opted for AutoArchive, older email messages may be moved to the designated folder.
  • Corrupted Outlook profile: If there is some issue with the Outlook profile, then the user may experience the problem of email deletion.
  • Inaccessible OST File: Sometimes Outlook OST cannot be opened. This scenario may pop up due to corruption, network errors, or improper shutdown of the email client.

How to Recover OST Emails After Accidental Deletion of Your Mailbox?

This section of the guide will shed on solutions to recover accidentally deleted OST emails. Follow the below methods:
Method 1: Check Deleted Email Messages in the Deleted Items or Trash Folder: When the Outlook user can't access OST mailbox folders, the first step is to check those mailbox content in the Deleted Items or Junk Email folders.

--Classic Outlook Users: At first, discover the missing data file from inaccessable Item folder. If the folder is not available there, then search in the Recoverable Items folder.
--New Outlook Users: The step-by-step process for recovering mailbox data for new Outlook users is discussed below:

  • Choose the Deleted Items or Junk Email folder. In case of hidden folders, hit on the Show Navigation Pane icon.
  • Click the checkbox next to the item you want to restore.
  • Then go to the Home tab and press Move. Select the designated folder from the list. You can also press Move to a different folder option to see all folders and choose one. You can also drag messages to a folder or right-click and select Restore.

Method 2: Restore from the Backup: If the previously-download backup data file (.ost) is available, we can restore emails from it using below steps:

Step 1: Locate the OST. It has the extension .ost.bak.
Step 2: Now change the backup file to .ost to make it usable.
Step 3: Replace the existing OST file with the backup file. (Default location for Windows 10/11: C:\Users<Your Username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook).
Step 4: Now launch the Outlook application. It helps loading mailbox data from the backup file.
Step 5: The next stage is to convert OST to PST using below steps:
Navigate to File > Open & Export > Import/Export.
Select Export to a file, choose Outlook Data File (.pst), and save the data in PST format.
Step 6: Now explore the exported .pst file in the email client and restore the required emails to your active mailbox.

Method 3: Utilize Third-Party OST to PST Converter: The above-discussed approaches are actually manual functionalities of the email client. There is a high possibility that an inaccessible Outlook OST cannot be opened using such functionalities. In such a case, we need to rely on some professional tool to convert an OST file to PST. Stellar Converter for OST is a prominent software that can recover OST mailboxes that are accidently deleted or an orphaned, inaccessible. This converter changes the unusable OST file into a PST file, which you can import into the Exchange server and open in Outlook. This advance tool also extracts the data from OST files even when the mailbox is no longer active on the server. This tool is easy to use and efficient. It also automatically recognizes .ost files associated with an Outlook profile.

How Stellar Converter for OST works.

  • Step 1. Run the software.
  • Step 2. Navigate and choose the targeted Outlook Data File (.ost).
  • Step 3. Hit on the 'Convert' button for the conversion.
  • Step 4. Click 'Save Converted File' button.
  • Step 5. Select File (.pst) as the file format.
  • Step 6. Press on the 'Browse' tab to give the location path and click 'OK' to save the data.


Outlook data file (.ost) is crucial for the seamless functioning of the email client. But sometimes some folders of this vital file got deleted accidently. It may lead to the permanent loss of business-sensitive data. In the above pos,t we have explored that the soft deleted .ost mailbox items can be recovered easily. But, in case of hard deletion, we need to rely on some specialized OST to PST tool to recover accidentally deleted mailboxes. Stellar Converter for OST is a reliable converter tool that helps in recovering accidently deleted items and exporting them to a PST file. The software can recover mailboxes from an inaccessible or orphaned .ost file irrespective of its size. It is also user-friendly, quick and trustworthy.

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