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Aryan K Khanna
Aryan K Khanna

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Data Science: 20 Best Resources to Learn Data Science & Upskill Your Expertise In It

It is 2023 and the world has become astonishingly data-driven! From the biggest of realm-altering decisions to the smallest of everyday choices, we base all our decisions on the data collected. Under these circumstances, data science has emerged as a key player in revolutionizing industries and helping them make decisions on the basis of data collected.

With organizations increasingly relying on data for insights and predictions, the demand for skilled data scientists has skyrocketed! Now if you are looking to make the most of this boom and build a rewarding career as a data scientist, you have come to the right place.

Today we will share with you 20 of the best resources from where you can learn the A to Z of Data Science. Wait, there’s more. We will also discuss the key reasons that I have driven this demand for data scientists. Moreover, we will also outline some of the essential skills required to excel in this field.
By the end of this read, you will have a well-paved way toward your goal of becoming a proficient data scientist.

The Rising Popularity of Data Science

The surge in data science’s popularity can be attributed to these three primary factors –

  1. Career Growth and Lucrative Salaries – Data science offers a great mix of exciting career opportunities and attractive salary plans. These two factors make it a popular choice among aspiring professionals.
  2. Unprecedented Data Availability – The digitalization of the world has led to an explosion of data. This has created a pressing need for skilled professionals who are adept at extracting meaningful information from vast datasets.
  3. Business Transformation – In today’s business world, dynamism is the only certainty with new schemes being adopted to stay ahead of the curve. Data-driven strategies have become crucial for organizations to stay competitive and gain a strategic advantage over their competitors in the market.

Skills Required to Excel in Data Science

To thrive in the world of data science, you need a diverse skill set that includes both technical proficiency and analytical and problem-solving skills. If you are looking to embark on your professional career as a data scientist, here are some of the key skills you should look to focus on: -

  1. Statistical Analysis – Sound knowledge of statistics allows data scientists to draw meaningful insights and make data-driven decisions.
  2. Big Data Tools – A data scientist should ideally be familiar with big data tools such as Spark and Hadoop. It helps in the analysis and processing of large datasets.
  3. Programming Languages – Well-brushed skills in programming languages like R, SQL, and Python are invaluable. They come in handy during data manipulation and, analysis.
  4. Machine Learning – Understanding Machine Learning (ML) algorithms and techniques is crucial for constructing predictive models and solving complex problems.
  5. Domain Knowledge – The candidates must have a strong understanding of the industry they are working in. This helps them contextualize data and derive relevant insights without any hiccups.
  6. Data Visualization – The ability to present data in a visually appealing and informative manner is essential for effective communication of insights gained.

20 Best Resources to Learn Data Science Online

Of all the resources provided here, each one of them is excellent at building your concepts and enhancing your skills in the domain of data science. Some of them might be in the form of tutorials, while others might be in the form of textbooks or newsletters, but all of them are equally rewarding when learning about data science.

  1. Coursera – Arguably, the biggest all-in-one platform for upskilling any field. Coursera offers a wide range of data science courses from leading universities and institutions.
  2. Data Science Central – This is a hub for data science articles, webinars, and resources. The website covers a wide range of topics from Data Science analytics, and tools to coding, technology, and job opportunities in the industry.
  3. edX – It is a prominent online course provider that offers entry-level Data Science courses specially tailored for beginners. Its courses cover an array of topics in the realm of Data Science. The course is free to enroll in, and learners further have the option to obtain verified certification by opting for a paid upgrade.
  4. Udacity – This is an American organization that provides nano degree programs in the fields of Data Science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence.
  5. Kaggle – Kaggle is a platform where aspiring data scientists can look to participate in data science-related competitions and real-world projects to enhance their project skills. It also has a forum where learners can get course-related help and information.
  6. R for Data Science – This is a renowned book in the domain of Data Science. As the name suggests, the book teaches you how to undertake Data Science-related operations with R.
  7. LinkedIn Learning – Another platform somewhat similar to Coursers, offering an online tutorial form of courses for developing your skills in Data Science and other related fields.
  8. Data Quest – Unlike the typical video courses, this website provides you with real-world challenges and projects related to Data Science to hone your skills.
  9. Analytics Vidhya – This is one of the most popular platforms to learn about Data Science. It is a community of data professionals who now have over 2 million members under their umbrella. You can look to learn through courses here or participate in hackathons for experience.
  10. MIT Open Course Ware – This is an initiative of the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology to publish all of the educational materials from its undergraduate and graduate-level courses. These are available free of cost and can be downloaded anytime.
  11. YouTube – If you are looking for self-paced learning, YouTube has a vast repository of data science tutorials and lectures for you. Channels such as Khan Academy, provide a wealth of information here.
  12. Springboard – This is a platform where you can purchase some of the best Data Science courses and they also provide mentor support.
  13. Datafloq – This platform offers a wealth of insights and opportunities in Data Science, AI, Big Data, and other such new-age technologies. Candidates have the option to register for their online training programs as well.
  14. Data Science Dojo – This is a computer training school in Washington that is popularly recognized for its boot camp-style workshops and online courses.
  15. Fast.ai – This Artificial Intelligence company provides a host of material related to Data Science ranging from articles to courses.
  16. Python for Data Science Handbook – It is a comprehensive guide to Data Science using Python.
  17. DataCamp – The platform offers interactive courses and projects for hands-on learning in data science.
  18. KDnuggets – KDnuggets is a renowned platform best known for its excellence in providing educational content on Data Science, Big Data, ML, AI, Data Analytics, and Data Mining.
  19. Towards Data Science – This is an online publication featuring Data Science articles and discussions related to it.
  20. freeCodeCamp – It is an online learning platform that offers candidates the opportunity to learn Data Science free of cost.

Final Word

Data Science has turned into the backbone of the digital era, driving innovation and transforming industries. Whether you are a newbie in the field of Data Science or a seasoned professional looking to upskill, the above-listed platforms will provide ample information for your respective purposes.

So, seize the opportunity to learn from the best and embark on a rewarding journey in the data-driven world of tomorrow.
Happy learning!

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