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Discussion on: Openshift-UPI: Keepalived to rescue failover

yashjethi profile image
Yash Singh

Hi Balkrishna, good article with deep dive on how to use static pods for setting up and using keepalived for HA Proxy and API endpoint. I have a quick question is it possible to configure and manage these static pods using MCO by just adding to the manifests.

bkpandey profile image
Balkrishna Pandey

Yes it is possible to use machineconfig to create static file. Simply create a file where kubelet is tracking and rest kubelet will start managing the pod.

yashjethi profile image
Yash Singh

Thanks for that, i was looking the static pod resources and there are some variables in haproxy config template. I was wondering how are these variables passed on to the haproxy config file, does installer passes these variables ?

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bkpandey profile image
Balkrishna Pandey

There are 2 containers in that pod, haproxy-monitor resolve the variable and produce the correct config, so that haproxy container can consume it.

  - name: haproxy-monitor
      privileged: true
    image: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256:c1f0f7c54f0f2ecd38fdf2667651f95153a589bd7fe4605f0f96a97899576a08
      - "/bin/bash"
      - "-c"
      - |            
        cp /host/etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
        monitor /var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfig  /config/haproxy.cfg.tmpl  /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg  --api-vip
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