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Cover image for Amazon | Web scraping in Google Sheets
Roshan Thapa
Roshan Thapa

Posted on

Amazon | Web scraping in Google Sheets

now start with create a blank Google-sheets

Install the ImportFromWeb add-on

ImportFromWeb is the add-on that collects the data. Simply install it from the Google Workspace Marketplace. You can try it for free.

Activate the ImportFromWeb add-on

Easy step too! In your template copy, activate the add-on through your Google sheets menu: Extensions >> ImportFromWeb >> Activate add-on

now goto amazon site and search something (Here I search Laptop for example)

then copy url from browser
Image description

Paste url on this cell
Image description

now use formula =IMPORTFROMWEB(A2,$C$1:$G$1) to get product info
Image description

now use formula =image(G2) to get image on cell
Image description

Final output is in here :

Image description

Below is the exhaustive list of selectors designed for any Amazon product page

Selectors Description
1. General information
asin Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN)
title Product name
url Product URL
brand_name Product’s brand
manufacturer Manufacturer’s name
model Item model number (for Amazon English markets only)
country_of_origin Product’s country origin
categories All the categories the product fits in (as seen in the breadcrumb)
categories_links URLs of the categories the product fits in
best_seller_category_X Best seller category (replace X by the corresponding number)
best_seller_rank_X Best seller rank (replace X by the corresponding number)
best_seller_link_X (replace X by your chosen number)
rating Average rating
times_evaluated Number of reviews
2. Product description
a_plus_content Manufacturer's product description
bullet_point_X Bullet point X in product's description (replace X by your chosen number)
bullet_points Product's description bullet points
description Product decription
3. Media
featured_image_source Product's featured image
image_X_source Product's images (replace x by your choosen number)
has_video Does the amazon page have a video (true or false)
other_images_sources All the product's images
** 4. Offer / prices **
availability Available quantity in Stock
list_price buybox
sale_price Price with discount
sale_price_per_unit Unit sale price of the product
buybox_quantity_max Maximum selectable quantity
buybox_winner Buybox seller
buybox_winner_link URL of the Buybox seller page
vendors_names Alternative sellers
vendors_prices Prices of the alternative sellers
vendors_links URL of the alternative sellers pages
5. Product variations
current_variation_headers Headers of all the possible variations
variation_X_name Name of variation x (replace x by your chosen number)
variation_X_child_images_source All images of the selected variation (replace x by your chosen number)
variation_X_asins All ASINs of the selected variation (replace x by your chosen number)
variation_X_child_texts All values of the selected variation (replace x by your chosen number)
variation_X_child_Y_text Value y in variation x (replace x and y by your chosen number)
variation_X_child_Y_asin ASIN of product y in variation x (replace x and y by your chosen number)
variation_X_child_Y_image_source Image of product y in variation x (replace x and y by your chosen number)
current_variation_values Selected variations values
6. Technical characteristics
feature_headers Product featured characteristics headers
feature_values Product featured characteristics values
details_headers Product characteristics headers
details_values Product characteristics values
capacity Product capacity
color_name Product color
style_name Product style
Has_climate_pledge_friendly_badge Does the amazon product have a climate pledge friendly certification (true or false)
*7. Product’s measurements *
item_dimensions_unit_of_measure Unit of measure used for the dimensions of the product
item_height Product's height
item_height_unit_of_measure Unit of measure used for the height of the product
item_length Product's length
item_length_unit_of_measure Unit of measure used for the lenght of the product
item_weight Product's weight
item_weight_unit_of_measure Unit of measure used for the weight of the product
item_width Product's width
item_width_unit_of_measure Unit of measure used for the width of the product
*8. Parcel / Package *
package_dimensions_unit_of_measure Package's dimension unit of measure (cm, inch)
package_height Package's height
package_length Package's length
package_weight Package's weight
package_weight_unit_of_measure Package's weight unit of measure (grams, pounds)
package_width Package's width

Top comments (1)

bkpandey profile image
Balkrishna Pandey

elegant solution :)